Suitescript nlapis
May 18, 2017
nlobjSelectOption.getText ( )
* return display value for select option.
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSelectOption
* @since 2009.2
nlobjSelectOption.getId ( )
* return internal ID for select option
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSelectOption
* @since 2009.2
nlobjSelectOption ( )
* Return a new instance of nlobjSelectOption.
* @classDescription select|radio option used for building select fields via the UI Object API and for describing select|radio fields.
* @return {nlobjSelectOption}
* @constructor
* @since 2009.2
nlobjButton.setDisabled ( disabled )
* disable or enable button.
* @param {boolean} disabled if true then this button should be disabled on the page
* @return {nlobjButton}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjButton
* @since 2008.2
nlobjButton.setLabel ( label )
* set the label for this button.
* @param {string} label display label for button
* @return {nlobjButton}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjButton
* @since 2008.2
nlobjButton ( )
* Return a new instance of nlobjButton.
* @classDescription buttons used for triggering custom behaviors on pages.
* @return {nlobjButton}
* @constructor
* @since 2009.2
nlobjFieldGroup.setShowBorder ( showBorder )
* set showBorder property for this field group.
* @param {boolean} showBorder if true then this field group shows border including label of group
* @return {nlobjFieldGroup}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjFieldGroup
* @since 2011.1
nlobjFieldGroup.setSingleColumn ( singleColumn )
* set singleColumn property for this field group.
* @param {boolean} singleColumn if true then this field group is displayed in single column
* @return {nlobjFieldGroup}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjFieldGroup
* @since 2011.1
nlobjFieldGroup.setCollapsible ( collapsible , defaultcollapsed )
* set collapsibility property for this field group.
* @param {boolean} collapsible if true then this field group is collapsible
* @param {boolean} [defaultcollapsed] if true and the field group is collapsible, collapse this field group by default
* @return {nlobjFieldGroup}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjFieldGroup
* @since 2009.2
nlobjFieldGroup.setLabel ( label )
* set the label for this field group.
* @param {string} label display label for field group
* @return {nlobjFieldGroup}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjFieldGroup
* @since 2009.2
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