"We ensure Business Continuity even in disruptive times of COVID - 19 with our team continuously working remotely for our clients' success.
NetSuite Expert is focused, strongly encouraged to continue with home office."

Suitescript nlapis

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nlobjFieldGroup ( )

* Return a new instance of nlobjFieldGroup (currently only supported on nlobjAssistant pages)
* @classDescription object used for grouping fields on pages (currently only supported on assistant pages).
* @return {nlobjFieldGroup}
* @constructor
* @since 2009.2

nlobjAssistantStep.getAllLineItemFields ( group )

* return an array of the names of all sublist fields entered by the user during this step
* @param {string} group sublist name
* @return {string[]}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistantStep
* @since 2009.2

nlobjAssistantStep.getAllLineItems ( )

* return an array of the names of all sublists entered by the user during this step.
* @return {string[]}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistantStep
* @since 2009.2

nlobjAssistantStep.getAllFields ( )

* return an array of the names of all fields entered by the user during this step.
* @return {string[]}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistantStep
* @since 2009.2

nlobjAssistantStep.getLineItemValue ( group , name , line )

* return the value of a sublist field entered by the user during this step.
* @param {string} group sublist name
* @param {string} name sublist field name
* @param {int} line sublist (1-based)
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistantStep
* @since 2009.2

nlobjAssistantStep.getLineItemCount ( group )

* return the number of lines previously entered by the user in this step (or -1 if the sublist does not exist).
* @param {string} group sublist name
* @return {int}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistantStep
* @since 2009.2

nlobjAssistantStep.getFieldValues ( name )

* return the selected values of a multi-select field as an Array entered by the user during this step.
* @param {string} name multi-select field name
* @return {string[]}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistantStep
* @since 2009.2

nlobjAssistantStep.getFieldValue ( name )

* return the value of a field entered by the user during this step.
* @param {string} name field name
* @return {string}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistantStep
* @since 2009.2

nlobjAssistantStep.getStepNumber ( )

* return the index of this step in the assistant page (1-based)
* @return {int} the index of this step in the assistant (1-based) based on the order in which the steps were added.
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistantStep
* @since 2009.2

nlobjAssistantStep.setHelpText ( help )

* set helper text for this assistant step.
* @param {string} help inline help text to display on assistant page for this step
* @return {nlobjAssistantStep}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistantStep
* @since 2009.2

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