nlapiLookupField ( type , id , fields , text )
/** * Fetch the value of one or more fields on a record. This API uses search to look up the fields and is much * faster than loading the record in order to get the field. * @governance 10 units for transactions, 2 for custom records, 4 for all other records * * @param {string} type The record type name. * @param {int} id The internal ID for the record. * @param {string, string[]} fields - field or fields to look up. * @param {boolean} [text] If set then the display value is returned instead for select fields. * @return {string, Object} single value or an Object of field name/value pairs depending on the fields argument. * * @since 2008.1 */
nlapiTransformRecord ( type , id , transformType , transformValues )
/** * Create a new record using values from an existing record of a different type. * @governance 10 units for transactions, 2 for custom records, 4 for all other records * * @param {string} type The record type name. * @param {int} id The internal ID for the record. * @param {string} transformType The recordType you are transforming the existing record into. * @param {Object} [transformValues] An object containing transform default option/value pairs used to pre-configure transformed record * @return {nlobjRecord} * * @exception {SSS_INVALID_URL_CATEGORY} * @exception {SSS_CATEGORY_ARG_REQD} * @exception {SSS_INVALID_TASK_ID} * @exception {SSS_TASK_ID_REQD} * @exception {SSS_INVALID_INTERNAL_ID} * @exception {SSS_INVALID_EDITMODE_ARG} * * @since 2007.0 */
nlapiSearchDuplicate ( type , fields , id )
/** * Perform a duplicate record search using Duplicate Detection criteria. * @governance 10 units * @restriction returns the first 1000 rows in the search * * @param {string} type The recordType you are checking duplicates for (for example, customer|lead|prospect|partner|vendor|contact). * @param {string[]} [fields] array of field names used to detect duplicate (for example, companyname|email|name|phone|address1|city|state|zipcode). * @param {int} [id] internal ID of existing record. Depending on the use case, id may or may not be a required argument. * @return {nlobjSearchResult[]} Returns an Array of nlobjSearchResult objects corresponding to the duplicate records. * * @since 2008.1 */
nlapiSearchGlobal ( keywords )
/** * Perform a global record search across the system. * @governance 10 units * @restriction returns the first 1000 rows in the search * * @param {string} keywords Global search keywords string or expression. * @return {nlobjSearchResult[]} Returns an Array of nlobjSearchResult objects containing the following four columns: name, type (as shown in the UI), info1, and info2. * * @since 2008.1 */
nlapiSearchRecord ( type , id , filters , columns )
/** * Perform a record search using an existing search or filters and columns. * @governance 10 units * @restriction returns the first 1000 rows in the search * * @param {string} type record type ID. * @param {int, string} [id] The internal ID or script ID for the saved search to use for search. * @param {nlobjSearchFilter, nlobjSearchFilter[]} [filters] [optional] A single nlobjSearchFilter object - or - an array of nlobjSearchFilter objects. * @param {nlobjSearchColumn, nlobjSearchColumn[]} [columns] [optional] A single nlobjSearchColumn object - or - an array of nlobjSearchColumn objects. * @return {nlobjSearchResult[]} Returns an array of nlobjSearchResult objects corresponding to the searched records. * * @exception {SSS_INVALID_RECORD_TYPE} * @exception {SSS_TYPE_ARG_REQD} * @exception {SSS_INVALID_SRCH_ID} * @exception {SSS_INVALID_SRCH_FILTER} * @exception {SSS_INVALID_SRCH_FILTER_JOIN} * @exception {SSS_INVALID_SRCH_OPERATOR} * @exception {SSS_INVALID_SRCH_COL_NAME} * @exception {SSS_INVALID_SRCH_COL_JOIN} * * @since 2007.0 */
nlapiDeleteRecord ( type , id )
/** * Delete a record from the system. * @governance 20 units for transactions, 4 for custom records, 8 for all other records * * @param {string} type The record type name. * @param {int} id The internal ID for the record. * @return {void} * * @exception {SSS_INVALID_RECORD_TYPE} * @exception {SSS_TYPE_ARG_REQD} * @exception {SSS_INVALID_INTERNAL_ID} * @exception {SSS_ID_ARG_REQD} * * @since 2007.0 */
nlapiSubmitRecord ( record , doSourcing , ignoreMandatoryFields )
/** * Submit a record to the system for creation or update. * @governance 20 units for transactions, 4 for custom records, 8 for all other records * * @param {nlobjRecord} record nlobjRecord object containing the data record. * @param {boolean} [doSourcing] If not set, this argument defaults to false. * @param {boolean} [ignoreMandatoryFields] Disables mandatory field validation for this submit operation. * @return {string} internal ID for committed record. * * @exception {SSS_INVALID_RECORD_OBJ} * @exception {SSS_RECORD_OBJ_REQD} * @exception {SSS_INVALID_SOURCE_ARG} * * @since 2007.0 */
nlapiCreateRecord ( type , initializeValues )
/** * Instantiate a new nlobjRecord object containing all the default field data for that record type. * @governance 10 units for transactions, 2 for custom records, 4 for all other records * * @param {string} type record type ID. * @param {Object} initializeValues Contains an array of name/value pairs of defaults to be used during record initialization. * @return {nlobjRecord} Returns an nlobjRecord object of a new record from the system. * * @exception {SSS_INVALID_RECORD_TYPE} * @exception {SSS_TYPE_ARG_REQD} * * @since 2007.0 */
nlapiCopyRecord ( type , id , initializeValues )
/** * Return a new record using values from an existing record. * @governance 10 units for transactions, 2 for custom records, 4 for all other records * * @param {string} The record type name. * @param {int} The internal ID for the record. * @param {Object} Contains an array of name/value pairs of defaults to be used during record initialization. * @return {nlobjRecord} Returns an nlobjRecord object of a copied record. * * @since 2007.0 */
nlapiLoadRecord ( type , id , initializeValues )
/** * Load an existing record from the system. * @governance 10 units for transactions, 2 for custom records, 4 for all other records * * @param {string} type The record type name. * @param {int} id The internal ID for the record. * @param {Object} initializeValues Contains an array of name/value pairs of defaults to be used during record initialization. * @return {nlobjRecord} Returns an nlobjRecord object of an existing NetSuite record. * * @exception {SSS_INVALID_RECORD_TYPE} * @exception {SSS_TYPE_ARG_REQD} * @exception {SSS_INVALID_INTERNAL_ID} * @exception {SSS_ID_ARG_REQD} * * @since 2007.0 */