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Suitescript nlapis

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nlobjAssistantStep.setLabel ( label )

* set the label for this assistant step.
* @param {string} label display label used for this assistant step
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjAssistantStep
* @since 2009.2

nlobjAssistantStep ( )

* Return a new instance of nlobjAssistantStep.
* @classDescription assistant step definition. Used to define individual steps/pages in multi-step workflows.
* @return {nlobjAssistantStep}
* @constructor
* @since 2009.2

nlobjTab.setHelpText ( help )

* set helper text for this tab or subtab.
* @param {string} help inline help text used for this tab or subtab
* @return {nlobjTab}
* @since 2008.2

nlobjTab.setLabel ( label )

* set the label for this tab or subtab.
* @param {string} label string used as label for this tab or subtab
* @return {nlobjTab}
* @since 2008.2

nlobjTab ( )

* Return a new instance of nlobjTab used for scriptable tab or subtab.
* @classDescription high level grouping for fields on a data entry form (nlobjForm).
* @return {nlobjTab}
* @constructor

nlobjColumn.addParamToURL ( param , value , perRow )

* add a URL parameter (optionally defined per row) to this column's URL.
* @param {string} param the name of a parameter to add to URL
* @param {string} value the value of the parameter to add to URL -or- a column in the datasource that returns the parameter value for each row
* @param {boolean} [perRow] if true then the 2nd arg is expected to be a column in the datasource
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjColumn
* @since 2008.2

nlobjColumn.setURL ( value , perRow )

* set the base URL (optionally defined per row) for this column.
* @param {string} value the base URL or a column in the datasource that returns the base URL for each row
* @param {boolean} perRow if true then the 1st arg is expected to be a column in the datasource
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjColumn
* @since 2008.2

nlobjColumn.setLabel ( label )

* set the header name for this column.
* @param {string} label the label for this column
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjColumn
* @since 2008.2

nlobjColumn ( )

* Return a new instance of nlobjColumn used for scriptable list column.
* @classDescription Class definition for columns used on lists and list portlets.
* @return {nlobjColumn}
* @constructor

nlobjSubList.addMarkAllButtons ( )

* add "Mark All" and "Unmark All" buttons to this sublist of type "list".
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSubList
* @since 2008.2

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