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nlobjResponse.sendRedirect ( type , subtype , id , pagemode , parameters )

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* sets the redirect URL for the response. all URLs must be internal unless the Suitelet is being executed in an "Available without Login" context
* at which point it can use type "external" to specify an external url via the subtype arg
* @param {string} type type specifier for URL: suitelet|tasklink|record|mediaitem|external
* @param {string} subtype subtype specifier for URL (corresponding to type): scriptid|taskid|recordtype|mediaid|url
* @param {string} [id] internal ID specifier (sub-subtype corresponding to type): deploymentid|n/a|recordid|n/a
* @param {string} [pagemode] string specifier used to configure page (suitelet: external|internal, tasklink|record: edit|view)
* @param {Object} [parameters] Object used to specify additional URL parameters as name/value pairs
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjResponse
* @since 2008.2