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Five Trends Transforming Cloud Computing

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A few years ago, industry experts dismissed the cloud computing as just another latest technology rage that was good for generating huge buzz, offering only a little worth. Today, the cloud has arrived and has been genuinely acknowledged by analysts as well as companies as a major force significantly fixing the entire IT landscape, including how data centers are formed, how software is deployed, how upgrades are handled and much more.

Recognizing the vital role of IT in today’s business environment, cloud computing is also changing the way companies operate. Companies of all sizes in almost every industry are utilizing cloud-based software, platforms, and even the infrastructure to lower down the complexity, streamline processes, gain better visibility, and reduce overall costs. Here are five cloud computing trends that will be in IT’s future.

Cloud computing adoption will continue to grow rapidly

It’s clear that cloud computing is poised for dramatic growth, even after being on the top of the gains it has seen over the past few years. Today, almost fourth part of companies already use cloud-based applications along with more than 10 percent plan to expand their cloud computing usage. While we measured these figures in dollars, revenue in 2008 from worldwide cloud services was $46.4 billion; and in 2013 came close to $150 billion, making it the preferred technology around the globe.

Mobile is the future of cloud computing

Popular mobile devices like smart phones and tablets reflect a major impact on the business world. Today’s workers like working from anywhere, for which they can simply use their smartphone at any time. The anytime, anywhere access from cloud-based applications is ideal for workers who are always on the go and can’t wait for their desktops to work on the cloud. Apart from bringing convenience, it also has several productivity benefits and also helps with its business intelligence functionalities.

The cloud will turn more global

Since, companies all across the globe are using the cloud-based tools and technology, the cloud can be called as global. With more and more evolution of the cloud services, they will allow greater degree of communication and collaboration across all sized-organizations. This will make more systems able to flawlessly operate across various locations with multiple capabilities such as multi-language and multi-currency tools.

Companies become more “frictionless” with cloud

By assisting in accessing accurate information and making communication easier; the cloud has been liked by multiple departments as well as individual staff members. Two examples of cloud-enabled tools enabling companies in becoming increasingly frictionless are real-time automated supply chains and dashboard.

Increased collaboration to the cloud through social tools

Cloud-based applications aren’t only known for being more flexible than traditional on-site software, in fact they can also be more social. As people become more used to social tools like chat or micro-blogging; they start preferring these against traditional mail that also support in other significant business operations.

With above listed valuable factors of the cloud based solution, the future can not be so easy to predict. Learn more about cloud computing from NetSuite Expert and transform the way of doing business in a significant and rapid style. Our experienced professionals can let your business get benefits through NetSuite, the cloud-based solution.

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