"We ensure Business Continuity even in disruptive times of COVID - 19 with our team continuously working remotely for our clients' success.
NetSuite Expert is focused, strongly encouraged to continue with home office."

Suitescript nlapis

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nlapiGetDepartment ( )

* Return the internal ID for the current user's department.
* @return {int}
* @since 2005.0

nlapiGetRole ( )

* Return the internal ID for the current user's role. Returns 31 (Online Form User) when called from online forms or "Available without Login" Suitelets.
* @return {int}
* @since 2005.0

nlapiGetUser ( )

* Return the internal ID for the currently logged in user. Returns -4 when called from online forms or "Available without Login" Suitelets.
* @return {int}
* @since 2005.0

nlapiGetContext ( )

* Return context information about the current user/script.
* @return {nlobjContext}
* @since 2007.0

nlapiRequestURL ( url , postdata , headers , callback , method )

* Request a URL to an external or internal resource.
* @restriction NetSuite maintains a white list of CAs that are allowed for https requests. Please see the online documentation for the complete list.
* @governance 10 units
* @param {string} url A fully qualified URL to an HTTP(s) resource
* @param {string, Object} [postdata] - string, document, or Object containing POST payload
* @param {Object} [headers] - Object containing request headers.
* @param {function} [callback] - available on the Client to support asynchronous requests. function is passed an nlobjServerResponse with the results.
* @return {nlobjServerResponse}
* @exception {SSS_UNKNOWN_HOST}
* @exception {SSS_INVALID_HOST_CERT}
* @since 2007.0

nlapiSetRedirectURL ( type , subtype , id , pagemode , parameters )

* Redirect the user to a page. Only valid in the UI on Suitelets and User Events. In Client scripts this will initialize the redirect URL used upon submit.
* @param {string} type type specifier for URL: suitelet|tasklink|record|mediaitem
* @param {string} subtype subtype specifier for URL (corresponding to type): scriptid|taskid|recordtype|mediaid
* @param {string} [id] internal ID specifier (sub-subtype corresponding to type): deploymentid|n/a|recordid|n/a
* @param {string} [pagemode] string specifier used to configure page (suitelet: external|internal, tasklink|record: edit|view)
* @param {Object} [parameters] Object used to specify additional URL parameters as name/value pairs
* @return {void}
* @since 2007.0

nlapiResolveURL ( type , subtype , id , pagemode )

* Resolve a URL to a resource or object in the system.
* @param {string} type type specifier for URL: suitelet|tasklink|record|mediaitem
* @param {string} subtype subtype specifier for URL (corresponding to type): scriptid|taskid|recordtype|mediaid
* @param {string} [id] internal ID specifier (sub-subtype corresponding to type): deploymentid|n/a|recordid|n/a
* @param {string} [pagemode] string specifier used to configure page (suitelet: external|internal, tasklink|record: edit|view)
* @return {string}
* @since 2007.0

nlapiDetachRecord ( type1 , id1 , type2 , id2 , properties )

* Detach a single record from another with optional properties.
* @governance 10 units
* @param {string} type1 The record type name being attached
* @param {int} id1 The internal ID for the record being attached
* @param {string} type2 The record type name being attached to
* @param {int} id2 The internal ID for the record being attached to
* @param {Object} [properties] Object containing name/value pairs used to configure detach operation
* @return {void}
* @since 2008.2

nlapiAttachRecord ( type1 , id1 , type2 , id2 , properties )

* Attach a single record to another with optional properties.
* @governance 10 units
* @param {string} type1 The record type name being attached
* @param {int} id1 The internal ID for the record being attached
* @param {string} type2 The record type name being attached to
* @param {int} id2 The internal ID for the record being attached to
* @param {Object} [properties] Object containing name/value pairs used to configure attach operation
* @return {void}
* @since 2008.2

nlapiSubmitField ( type , id , fields , values , doSourcing )

* Submit the values of a field or set of fields for an existing record.
* @governance 10 units for transactions, 2 for custom records, 4 for all other records
* @restriction only supported for records and fields where DLE (Direct List Editing) is supported
* @param {string} type The record type name.
* @param {int} id The internal ID for the record.
* @param {string, string[]} fields field or fields being updated.
* @param {string, string[]} values field value or field values used for updating.
* @param {boolean} [doSourcing] If not set, this argument defaults to false and field sourcing does not occur.
* @return {void}
* @since 2008.1

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