"We ensure Business Continuity even in disruptive times of COVID - 19 with our team continuously working remotely for our clients' success.
NetSuite Expert is focused, strongly encouraged to continue with home office."

Suitescript nlapis

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nlapiGetLineItemField ( type , fldnam , linenum )

* Return field definition for a sublist field.
* @param {string} type sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam sublist field name
* @param {int} [linenum] line number for sublist field (1-based) and only valid for sublists of type staticlist and list
* @return {nlobjField}
* @since 2009.1

nlapiGetMatrixField ( type , fldnam , column )

* Return field definition for a matrix field.
* @param {string} type matrix sublist name
* @param {string} fldnam matrix field name
* @param {int} column matrix field column index (1-based)
* @return {nlobjField}
* @since 2009.2

nlapiGetField ( fldnam )

* Return field definition for a field.
* @param {string} fldnam the name of the field
* @return {nlobjField}
* @since 2009.1

nlapiSendFax ( from , to , subject , body , records , files )

* Send out a fax and associate it with records in the system. This requires fax preferences to be configured.
* Supported base types are entity for entities, transaction for transactions, activity for activities and cases, record|recordtype for custom records
* @governance 10 units
* @param {int} from internal ID for employee user on behalf of whom this fax is sent
* @param {string, int} to fax address or internal ID of user that this fax is being sent to
* @param {string} subject fax subject
* @param {string} body fax body
* @param {Object} records Object of base types -> internal IDs used to associate fax to records. i.e. {entity: 100, record: 23, recordtype: customrecord_surveys}
* @param {nlobjFile[]} files array of nlobjFile objects (files) to include as attachments
* @return {void}
* @since 2008.2

nlapiSendCampaignEmail ( campaigneventid , recipientid )

* Sends a single on-demand campaign email to a specified recipient and returns a campaign response ID to track the email.
* @governance 10 units
* @restriction works in conjunction with the Lead Nurturing (campaigndrip) sublist only
* @param {int} campaigneventid internal ID of the campaign event
* @param {int} recipientid internal ID of the recipient - the recipient must have an email
* @return {int}
* @since 2010.1

nlapiSendEmail ( from , to , subject , body , cc , bcc , records , files )

* Send out an email and associate it with records in the system.
* Supported base types are entity for entities, transaction for transactions, activity for activities and cases, record|recordtype for custom records
* @governance 10 units
* @restriction all outbound emails subject to email Anti-SPAM policies
* @param {int} from internal ID for employee user on behalf of whom this email is sent
* @param {string, int} to email address or internal ID of user that this email is being sent to
* @param {string} subject email subject
* @param {string} body email body
* @param {string, string[]} cc copy email address(es)
* @param {string, string[]} bcc blind copy email address(es)
* @param {Object} records Object of base types -> internal IDs used to associate email to records. i.e. {entity: 100, record: 23, recordtype: customrecord_surveys}
* @param {nlobjFile[]} files array of nlobjFile objects (files) to include as attachments
* @return {void}
* @since 2007.0

nlapiGetRecordId ( )

* Return the internal ID corresponding to the current page or userevent script.
* @return {int}
* @since 2007.0

nlapiGetRecordType ( )

* Return the recordtype corresponding to the current page or userevent script.
* @return {string}
* @since 2007.0

nlapiGetSubsidiary ( )

* Return the internal ID for the current user's subsidiary.
* @return {int}
* @since 2008.1

nlapiGetLocation ( )

* Return the internal ID for the current user's location.
* @return {int}
* @since 2005.0

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