Almost every reasonably sized company uses some software system to control multiple business operations via integrated tools. The challenge however remains in dealing with countless systems and integrating the data from these systems to headquarter operating system. It is extremely complex, time consuming as well as expensive to manually integrated such systems to have a single business overview due to continuous business expansion.

Global ERP Systems

Global ERP systems are considered best, for they allow multi-company organizations to streamline operations across various geographies, units and departments – from every process including supply chain, CRM, inventory control, finances as well as accounting management. Although, implementing a global ERP system is a seemingly daunting task, its business benefits exceed the temporary challenges. Below are some signs that tell you should consider moving to a global ERP system.

You possess duplicate ERP systems and resources in more than a country

If you have multiple grants in different countries, issues can arise from running a separate ERP system for each function at each facility. With a global ERP system, all critical business processes like inventory management, etc. can be streamlined. This can provide transparent view into operations across multiple locations, and information can flow swiftly through entire business which leads to faster decision making capabilities for the executives.

You acquire financial and accounting information manually

Managing the accounting data in a siloed financial system is a time-consuming, risk-prone and complex process as well as complex process when the reports grow from locations having legal frameworks and different tax. If your business is spread across more than one location, you shall use a global ERP to merge financial and operational data.

Your business is troubling due to multiple taxation and legal environments

Taxation, reporting and various other financial regulatory requirements are constantly in a state of flux, but making the quick adjustments essential to continue operating as per local accounting and legal standards can be very challenging. A strong global ERP system shall handle everything from multiple tax schedules, automatically update currency conversion rates and stay updated with latest requirements. Using systems that generate receipts and invoices in different languages, you can assure your customers about getting documents reflecting latest tax and currency updates for their locations.


Going for NetSuite ERP India will help you unite financial reporting, streamline business process and save time. Additionally a proven solution acquired from a trusted NetSuite solution provider offers you peace of mind. A name such as NetSuite Expert can prove beneficial for you to gain NetSuite customization service for industry-specific requirements. You can be rest assured that your business operates in accordance with local requirements and business framework through NetSuite customization. Oracle NetSuite as the most deployed ERP by NetSuite service provider across the globe has a strong track record of providing flexible and reliable global systems and offering smooth transition.