"We ensure Business Continuity even in disruptive times of COVID - 19 with our team continuously working remotely for our clients' success.
NetSuite Expert is focused, strongly encouraged to continue with home office."

Suitescript nlapis

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nlobjSubList.addRefreshButton ( )

* add "Refresh" button to sublists of type "staticlist" to support manual refreshing of the sublist (without entire page reloads) if it's contents are very volatile
* @return {nlobjButton}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSubList
* @since 2009.2

nlobjSubList.addButton ( name , label , script )

* add a button to this sublist.
* @param {string} name button name
* @param {string} label button label
* @param {string} script button script (function name)
* @return {nlobjButton}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSubList
* @since 2008.2

nlobjSubList.setUniqueField ( fldnam )

* designate a field on sublist that must be unique across all lines (only supported on sublists of type inlineeditor, editor).
* @param {string} fldnam the name of a field on this sublist whose value must be unique across all lines
* @return {nlobjField}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSubList
* @since 2009.2

nlobjSubList.addField ( name , type , label , source )

* add a field (column) to this sublist.
* @param {string} name field name
* @param {string} type field type
* @param {string} label field label
* @param {string, int} [source] script ID or internal ID for source list used for this select field
* @return {nlobjField}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSubList
* @since 2008.2

nlobjSubList.getLineItemCount ( group )

* Return the number of lines in a sublist.
* @param {string} group sublist name
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSubList
* @since 2010.1

nlobjSubList.setLineItemValues ( values )

* set values for multiple lines (Array of nlobjSearchResults or name-value pair Arrays) in this sublist.
* Note that this method is only supported on scripted sublists via the UI Object API
* @param {string[][], nlobjSearchResult[]} values
* @since 2008.2

nlobjSubList.setLineItemMatrixValue ( field , line , column , value )

* set the value of a matrix cell in this sublist.
* @param {string} field matrix field name
* @param {int} line line number (1-based)
* @param {int} column matrix column index (1-based)
* @param {string} value matrix field value
* @return {void}
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSubList
* @since 2009.2

nlobjSubList.setLineItemValue ( field , line , value )

* set the value of a cell in this sublist.
* @param {string} field sublist field name
* @param {int} line line number (1-based)
* @param {string} value sublist value
* @method
* @memberOf nlobjSubList
* @since 2008.2

nlobjSubList.setDisplayType ( type )

* set the displaytype for this sublist: hidden|normal.
* This method is only supported on scripted or staticlist sublists via the UI Object API
* @param {string} type
* @since 2008.2

nlobjSubList.setHelpText ( help )

* set helper text for this sublist.
* This method is only supported on sublists via the UI Object API
* @param {string} help
* @since 2008.2

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